Level 1 – Foundation Level
- Introduction to Risk RSM 101
- Introduction to Security RSM 102
- Auditing and Accounting Principles RSM 103
- Introduction to Law RSM 104
- Communication Skills RCS 101
- Information Technology RCA 107
- Introduction to Statistics & Research Methods RSM 108
Level 2 – Operational LevelĀ
- Practice of Risk and Security Management RSM 201
- Business Law RBL 206
- Law of Evidence RSM 203
- Criminal Law RSM 204
- Criminal Psychology RSM 205
- Occupational Health and Safety RSH 201
- Cyber Security RSM 207
Level 3 – Executive Level
- Ethics and Corporate Governance REC 306
- Leadership and Management RLM 302
- Forensic Investigation RSM 303
- Research Methods and Project Writing RRM 400
- Strategic Fraud Management RSM 306
- Principles of Risk Financing RRF 306
- Attachment Work Experience AWE 307